This is meant to be a way of describing/ discussing some of my photos and miscellaneous thoughts. Your comments and suggestions will be most appreciated. Either English or French are welcome.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I have mentioned in past posts, a valuable resource on the Israely-Palestinian conflict, Below is a summary of their most recent e-mail edition. To read the comments in detail, click on the post title above.

b i t t e r l e m o n s. o r g
January 8, 2007 Edition 1 Palestinian-Israeli crossfire
Also from bitterlemons... If you haven't already subscribed, check out our Middle East Roundtable. For a free subscription, go to bitterlemons-

The conflict in 2007
. Sadly, like 2006 by Yossi Alpher
In a best case scenario, Israel and its neighbors will sit down to begin discussing the Arab League/Saudi peace plan of March 2002.
. Reaping a bitter harvest by Ghassan Khatib
Palestinians, Israelis and others are about to harvest the fruit of their past mishandling of the conflict.
. National Islamism means no progress by Barry Rubin
Hamas and Fateh will not be able either to unite against Israel or make any agreements with it.
. Yet another "peace process" looming? by George Giacaman
The withdrawal from Gaza was proof that Israel needs a Palestinian partner, and this requires "movement" on the political front.

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